UofG Alert
U of G Alert is the University’s critical incident notification system. It sends critical alerts via texts and calls when an incident occurs on campus. Your U of G email is automatically registered and we encourage all members of the university community to add additional contact methods.
Please be aware that you will not be registered in U of G Alert until the start of your first semester. If you try to access your U of G Alert account before then, your login attempt will fail. Please update your contact methods once you have started classes.
Be Prepared
Critical incidents are generally unexpected and can disrupt University operations and academic activities. As a member of the University community, you should be aware of potential risks and hazards and know how to be self-sufficient during the first few minutes of a critical incident on campus. The campus critical incident coordinator seeks to improve resilience through risk identification, mitigation, preparedness planning, education, response coordination and recovery.
The campus critical incident coordinator oversees the following programs:
- Critical incident response planning and coordination
- Critical incident preparedness training and education
- Severe weather monitoring and response
- Critical incident alerts and notification systems
- Business continuity planning
To learn more about the University of Guelph’s critical incident response plan, read the Emergency Management Plan.
If you have questions or concerns about critical incident planning at the University of Guelph, please contact the campus emergency coordinator at rcens@uoguelph.ca.
An Evacuation
A Specific Hazard
A Lockdown
Shelter In Place