- Ph. D. Plant Agriculture - University of Guelph
- M.Sc. Plant Agriculture - University of Guelph
- B.Sc. Biological Science Honours - University of Guelph
Research Interests
My research focus is on integrated management of insect pests of field crops (corn, soybeans, and wheat) and resistance management for insect-protected transgenic corn and insecticides. I am interested in both basic and applied research to better understand the insect pests and how to improve long-term management of field crop pests for Ontario growers. Areas of expertise include:
- Entomology
- Integrated Pest Management
- Insect Resistance Management
- The interaction of insects and mycotoxigenic fungi
Current Projects
- Advancing Insect Resistance Management for Ontario’s Riskiest Corn Pests: Corn Rootworm and Western Bean Cutworm
- Biological Control of Corn Rootworm in Canada using Entomopathogenic Nematodes
- Remembering a Forgotten Pest: Bt Resistance and Monitoring in European Corn Borer
- Insect Resistance Management: Evaluating the Impact of Blended Refuges and the Vip3A Bacillus thuringiensis Toxin on Western Bean Cutworm
- Mitigation and Management of Bt-Resistant Corn Rootworm in Ontario
- Modernizing Management of True Armyworm in Ontario
- Mitigation and Management of Cry1F-Resistance in European Corn Borer in Canada
Research Achievements
Integrated pest management of field crop insect pests: My research focuses on evaluating novel and established pest management tools for key pests affecting corn, soybean, and cereals. This work spans field, laboratory, and greenhouse settings and includes assessments of transgenic crops, foliar and seed treatment insecticides, as well as biological and cultural controls. I also investigate the species composition, phenology, and distribution of both emerging and established field crop pests in Ontario.
Resistance management of corn insect pests: In 2018, we identified the first case of field-evolved resistance to Bt corn in European corn borer (ECB) globally. This discovery has spurred extensive research projects and international collaborations focused on determining optimal resistance mitigation strategies, understanding the heritability and fitness costs associated with Bt resistance in ECB, identifying the genetic basis for Bt resistance, and enhancing susceptibility monitoring efforts. As a key collaborator in Canadian Insect Resistance Monitoring (IRM), my work includes overseeing annual field collections of corn pests, managing an insect rearing facility dedicated to key corn insect pests, and testing their susceptibility to Bt toxins and insecticides.
Research Partners
- Grain Farmers of Ontario
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
- Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- Syngenta
- Corteva AgriScience
- NSERC Alliance
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- Bayer CropScience
Industry Committees/Other
- Canadian Corn Pest Coalition – Executive Member
- NC-246: Ecology and Management of Arthropods in Corn. Multi-state research project
Research Associates

Dr. Yasmine Farhan
Research Technicians
Graduate Students
Natasha Weppler
M.Sc. Student
Department of Plant Agriculture
Potential Graduate Students
I am looking for enthusiastic graduate students who are interested in studying aspects of entomology, pest management, and agriculture. Experience in entomology, toxicology, ecology, molecular biology, population genetics, and agriculture are an asset. For more information, please contact me using the information above.
Recent Publications
- Smith, J.L., van Herk, W.G., Schwinghamer, T., Baute, T., Limay-Rios, V., Frewin, A., Sevcik, M., and Vernon, B. (2024) Wireworm species associated with corn and soybean agroecosystems in Ontario, Canada. Environmental Entomology.
- Smith, J., and Y. Farhan. Monitoring resistance of Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in Canada to Cry toxins produced by Bt corn. (2023) Journal of Economic Entomology. 116 (3): 916-926.
- Smith, J.L., T. Baute, and A.W. Schaafsma. (2020) Quantifying early season pest injury and yield protection of insecticide seed treatments in corn and soybean production in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Economic Entomology. 113 (5): 2187-2196.
- Smith, J.L., Y. Farhan, and A.W. Schaafsma. (2019) Practical resistance of Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) to Cry1F Bacillus thuringiensis maize discovered in Nova Scotia, Canada. Scientific Reports 9 (1): 18247. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-54263-2.
- Smith, J.L., Limay-Rios, V., Hooker, D.C., and Schaafsma, A.W. (2018) Fusarium graminearum mycotoxins in maize associated with Striacosta albicosta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) injury. Journal of Economic Entomology 111(3): 1227-1242.
- Farhan, Y., Limay-Rios, V., Schaafsma, A.W., and J.L. Smith. Susceptibility and field exposure of Striacosta albicosta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs and larvae in Ontario, Canada to four insecticides. (2022) Pest Management Science.
- Reisig, D.D., DiFonzo, C. D., Dively, G., Farhan, Y., Gore, J., and J.L. Smith. Best management practices to delay the evolution of Bt resistance in Lepidopteran pests without high susceptibility to Bt toxins in North America. (2021) Journal of Economic Entomology. 115(1): 26-36.
- McCreary, M., Smith, J.L., Bahlai, C.A., Schaafsma, A.W. and R.H. Hallett. Phenology of bean leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Ontario, Canada and field validation of a degree-day model. (2021) Environmental Entomology.
- Van Herk, W.G., Lemke, E., Gries, G., Gries, R., Serrano, J.M., Catton, H., Wanner, K., Landolt, P.J., Cooper, R.W., Meers, S., Nikoukar, A., Smith, J.L., Alamsetti, S.K., and Etzler, F.E., (2021) Limoniic acid and its analogs as trap lures for pest Limonius species (Coleoptera: Elateridae) in North America. Journal of Economic Entomology. 114(5): 2108-2120.
- Dively, G.P., Kuhar, T.P., Taylor, S., Doughty, H.B., Holmstrom, K., Gilrein, D., Nault, B.A., Ingerson-Mahar, J., Whalen, J., Reisig, D., Frank, D.L., Fleisher, S.J., Owens, D., Welty, C., Reay-Jones, F.P.F., Porter, P., Smith, J.L., Saguez, J., Murray, S., Wallingford, A., Byker, H., Jensen, B., Burkness, E., Hutchison, W.D., and Hamby, K.A., (2021) Sweet corn sentinel monitoring for Lepidopteran field-evolved resistance to Bt toxins. Journal of Economic Entomology. 113(5): 1-13.
- Farhan, Y., Smith, J.L., Limay-Rios, V., and A.W. Schaafsma. (2020) The effect of simulated Lepidopteran ear feeding injury on mycotoxin accumulation in grain corn, Zea mays L. Journal of Economic Entomology. 113(5): 2197-2212.
- Smith, J.L., T. Baute, and A.W. Schaafsma. (2020) Quantifying early season pest injury and yield protection of insecticide seed treatments in corn and soybean production in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Economic Entomology. 113 (5): 2187-2196.
Refereed Publications
View the complete list of Dr. Jocelyn Smith’s scientific publications on Google Scholar.